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Tonga Activities


Photo Gallery 2005 Tonga

We’re continuing to enjoy ourselves and getting more and more out of touch with reality. I couldn’t even guess what day of the week it is without a group discussion and a look at the calendar.

We’re having a rainy gray day today – but the plan is to go cruising around the islands on a whale hunt and then anchor in a new place. We’ve been in our current location for a few days in company with 6-8 other yachts. We’ve been on a scuba dive (heard underwater whale song again), several snorkels, a beach walk, lots of swimming (for exercise); also tried windsurfing again as our new New Zealand friends Carol, Darryl, James (13) and Annabelle (11) aboard Masterplan are here with their windsurfer. We’ve all had a go at windsurfing – I tried it out with the kiddy-sized sail. Mike does fine with the “grown-up” sail and was boasting this morning about having bigger biceps. Everyone is trying out skurfing, which is essentially water-skiing on a surfboard towed behind the dinghy. Rod and Anouk are good at it, but no one else can get anywhere close to standing up! Lots of entertainment for the other boats anchored here watching us make fools of ourselves, though.

Photo by Anouk Reijerts

The other night we played a movie on deck with Masterplan’s family aboard. We brought the iMac into the cockpit, hooked up the boat stereo speakers, and watch Master and Commander on DVD. The British Navy makes our yachting lifestyle look pretty tame.

On the beach at our current location is a ficus tree growing in the wild – you know, the kind every household has potted indoors for a bit of greenery. This one looks like it could be home to the Swiss Family Robinson – I’m sure rain doesn’t penetrate the canopy of leaves and the trunk must be 15 feet in diameter with hundreds of down shoots.

Peggy and Jon are still aboard and are a great addition to our crew. Jon likes projects, so has been put to work washing the windows and hatches and polishing the stainless steel. Peggy arrived with a really bad cough and ear problems and has been very slowly improving, so hasn’t had as much fun as she might have had. We even took her to the Italian Clinic doctor (shares his office with the island volunteer veterinarian) in Neiafu for a check-up! She’s getting better now and should enjoy the last few days before they fly back to Tucson. Their flight leaves August 3, and as soon as we know they’re on their way, we will pack up for a sea voyage and make our passage to Fiji about 440 miles from here.

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