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Website Ready

Slideshow Hawaii-2 2007

We’ve really been holed up on the boat, doing nothing exciting of note. Sleeping later than usual in the morning, Mike taking care of boat projects (including undoing the hurricane preparations), watching a DVD or taking in a movie in the evening. Also Raven’s refrigerator/freezer broke down (massive freon leak) and we have been buying up large quantities of ice to keep our food cold until, finally, today the repair guy completed the job and the system is back to normal – at least so we hope!

The trade winds are starting to die and the weather is calm and peaceful. Now that the fridge is back in commission, we will probably sail somewhere tomorrow – most likely Kaneohe Bay, but we have given some consideration to Kauai since the weather is so mild, although it is nearly 100 miles from here. We’ll let you know where we wind up.

For entertainment I’ve been working obsessively on Raven’s new website and I’m pleased to say it’s ready for viewing. I have tweaked and re-tweaked the content, found all (at least almost all) the bugs, and posted all the content. I have future plans to polish and better present the details, but it’s all there and reasonably organized, so I hope you’ll look it over. If you do find any glitches – bad links, grammar, punctuation – tell me about them so I can fix them.

On the “Letters From Raven” page if you click on “Go To Archives” you will be taken to a page listing entries that go back all the way to December 2004 when we purchased Raven. Those old emails I’ve been sending to you all for the past few years have combined to create a nice journal of our travels. I’ve really been enjoying re-reading tales about the unusual places we have visited and the adventures we’ve enjoyed. Maybe they will be of interest to you as well.

However it took me awhile to get smart and start sending my travelog emails to myself! As a result I am missing content from December 2004 through August 2005. Also January-March 2006 (New Zealand). So if any of you compulsively save your old emails, I’d love it if you could forward me any that you received in those time periods so I can flesh out some of the missing information.

From now on I will send you an email (like this one), but it will include a link where the same content will be posted to the website. When we don’t have an internet connection, the travelogs will be posted later, but they will still be posted.

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