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Waiting for Vania

Our watched tropical disturbance has blossomed into an official cyclone named Vania. We snagged the above photo from the US Naval Observatory’s website on the internet this morning – it was taken about six hours ago. The scattered string of green-outlined islands directly under the storm is Vanuatu. It looks like the eye is passing right over Tanna where we climbed up the volcano last trip.  The long green island directly in Vania’s path is New Caledonia. Noumea is on the southwest tip of the island.

Here’s a link to a hurricane watch website with some good info

In the marina the harbor captain is posting updated weather reports and dispensing instructions regarding securing the boats. Those in berths are tying on extra lines from boat to dock and bringing in vulnerable items. Those at anchor are jockeying about for a better position. A 125′ luxury motor yacht came in to drop off the owner and guests to check into a hotel. His boat is too large for this marina so he is headed some 40 miles south to a small protected bay ringed by mountains to ride it out. A TV news camera was videotaping the scene yesterday – I’m thinking the cameraman is planning on some before/after footage!

Projections indicate the full force of the storm will hit us in the middle of the night Friday.

So we are just waiting for now. The weather is gray and blustery with fits and starts of showers. Mike and I are on a diet/fitness kick this voyage so we took 2 walks yesterday for a grand total of 5.5 miles. One walk ascends a steep hill nearby for a grand view of the harbor. The other is a very pleasant brick paved walkway along the water’s edge – passing by parks and gardens and maritime WWII monuments. Bougainvillea, Norfolk Pines, palm and flame trees predominate with lots of other colorful flowering shrubs and vines. I took this photo of the yellow flower cluster with my iPhone – a whole tree festooned with these enormous blooms.

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Noumea is a vibrant busy city with a population of some 100,000 (population of the entire country is about 250,000). It is very unlike the third world countries we have been frequenting! The city streets are busy with cars, the yacht harbor is jam-packed full with vessels. Most of the wealth of the country comes from mining exports – New Cal produces 25% of the world’s nickel supply.

More later as events unfold (if the Internet stays up!). At least AVATAR is built like a tank with a hull of 12mm thick aluminum plate. No worries about smashing the fiberglass against the dock and neighboring catamaran.


Wind picking up, heavy blowing rain showers.  Increased activity in the marina as everyone gets serious about battening down the hatches.  Still looks like a direct hit from Vania, and she is growing in strength as she approaches.  Mike and I hiked into town (we came back drenched!) and booked a hotel room at the local Best Western for tonight and tomorrow – Rod is invited along but so far he plans to play captain and go down with the ship.

More later – Cheers!

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